1 minute read

A pretty bad ride

From my last post in February 2024, the company has been going on a rocky start. For 2 whole quarters, we did not have any new bookings. In the townhall, I raised a concern on the possible repercussions as we had a good end of the year.

Many of our deals were already fulfilled and we had many successful POCs and installations. Our production links were up 6x in a span of 1 year, and to date we have 92 production links. This is a significant improvement when i first joined the company where we only had 1 production link for the longest time back in 2022.

Career Choices

With all good times, it has come to an end of the road eventually. And with each end marks a new beginning, perhaps in a good way. Sometimes, when I look back and wonder why did I chose to stick to Software Engineering instead of progressing to Cyber-Security. And then the shitty situation where, I'm about to be jobless in the coming month.

I feel the anxiety more so than ever, because how am I going to be able to pay the bills. Will there be someone to step up and keep the team afloat?


Hopefully in the coming week(s), I'm able to land a new role. Then i'll post again.


Get in touch 👋

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